Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Our First Date

I am linking up with Chronically Distracted and their Happiness Project. They have a different theme each month and for this month the theme is "Love & Marriage". Make sure you visit their site and read through all "The first date with the love of you life" links. :)

I would love to share with you the story of our first date. First things first. Adventure Dad and I met in 1999, while I was still in school {University to be exact} a mutual friend asked me for my e-mail so he could share it with Adventure Dad since he was new to the Internet and didn't know anyone to e-mail back and forth {yeah right, he worked and could e-mail companies and customers ;) } so our mutual friend gave Adventure Dad my e-mail address, as my friend "A" asked 20 questions {where did he work, where did he live, what car he drove, etc. basically looking out for me} so 2 days after this I received my first e-mail saying hello. 

For three whole months we e-mailed back and forth starting with one e-mail every couple of days and after those three months we were e-mailing each other at least eight times a day! We never saw each other and never talked on the phone it was pure e-mail {thus one of my all time favorite movies being "You've Got Mail"} we were always ourselves, never pretended and were always honest with each other. After those three months another friend "S" called me on a Sunday morning and asked if Adventure Dad could have my phone number and call me that day? Of course I said, we talked on the phone several times that day and in every phone call he asked me the same question: "What are your plans for later today?" and I always responded the same: "unpack my luggage and re-pack it again" {I was about to leave on a very special trip with my sister and cousin, but for the record I was already packed!}.

Well Adventure Dad assumed I was too busy to go out and finally after our about fifth call he said: "what if we go out?" and of course I said: YES! {Gee! he finally got the message! duh! ;) } So that evening which I believe was March 25th 1999, Adventure Dad and I went out on our first date and we finally met in person. He picked me up at my home {I was raised very traditional and still lived with my parents}, opened the car door for me and closed it {a true gentleman just as I'd always dreamed of!} and we went out to a local restaurant had some appetizers and just talked. I loved his smile and for me it was love at first e-mail as well as for him. :)

He was all I dreamed of my whole life! a gentleman, caring, respectful, always proper. On our way to the restaurant we had to walk a bit and just so you know no one not even "S" knew we were going out that evening, he accidentally drove by us and because Adventure dad is much taller than I; he didn't see me and as he waved good bye to Adventure Dad and was driving off he saw me and slammed on the breaks only to roll down his window and say: "Maaaribel!" with such a surprised expression. 

Being raised traditional I was called "Cinderella" because my curfew was always midnight and I always respected it. So our evening ended with me being dropped off at home and him driving away still friends. A few weeks later it was mid April and I had returned from my trip, it was soon to be my parents 25th wedding anniversary and they were to renew their vows with a big party so when Adventure Dad called during the week to say hello and continuing our e-mails I invited him to the party. Every single guest knew who Adventure Dad was! when someone was near him they would point and ask if that was "him" and I would smile and say: YES! excitedly. Two weeks later we were officially dating, but that's a whole other story.

A little over two years later in June 2001 we got married, I can honestly say that my love for him has grown even more, yes married life is not always peaches and cream but with love and respect all is possible and overcoming daily challenges makes it stronger. I still get butterflies when I see him or hear his voice. Yes I am the eternal romantic and yes I married my prince charming. :)


  1. So sweet. I love that a mutual friend set you guys up. Is the "friend" still in the picture? Glad you found your Prince Charming.

    1. Yes, they both are. They are sweet guys one is married and the other still single, the lady/girl that wins his heart will take home a great and wonderful man. :)

  2. Yeah!!! That is the best story! I love how email is such an important part of dating these days - long gone is "writing letters" hahah!

    1. We did write letters too, he actually proposed through one. He also sent me faxes, text and remember pagers? I got pager messages too. I think we covered all the possible ways to communicate haha ;)

  3. What a great story! I love the part about him calling five times! So sweet!

    1. He is very sweet! and always knows how to make me smile regardless of my mood. :)
