Friday, June 15, 2012

Ready, steady...GO!

As I write this I am celebrating my 34th birthday, I feel happy about my birthday. I consider it a blessing, every year on this day I like to reflect on all that I've learned, all that I've accomplished, all the blessings I can count, what items on my bucket-list are eliminated and what new items I will add. Just like every new year most people make resolutions, I do it on my birthday. 

As we age we change not only physically but also emotionally and we mature we become different and choose differently. Before I graduated from school I would give myself a very special gift. You see I had {still have it in my parent's home} a dress that for 4 straight years I would wear on my birthday, yes the same dress. It is a green gingham short dress. 

This dress was my trophy and every year I would prepare to wear it. I would exercise regularly, make healthier choices and drink more water. Wearing that dress meant I was healthy, it meant I was accomplishing my yearly goal and above all I was loving myself. It was more of self respect, self love and dedication to me. 

The last time I wore this dress was in 1999, I was still in school and I wore it with pride! Smiling from ear to ear. Oh the memories. In 2000 I graduated and that same summer I moved out of my parents home. You can read all about my poor eating choices here

I don't know if I will ever get to wear that dress, my trophy in my life. However I can tell you that I will do my best at getting healthier. Over the years I've collected several 'trophy' dresses, I remember back in 2001 when my husband bought me a pair of red denim capri's size 14. I did know that they didn't fit, but they would become the new 'trophy'. It never crossed my mind that in 2012 they would still be in my closet with original tags. Unworn. 

So before I begin this new chapter in my life, a chapter I will call "ME" I wanted to share a little bit more of my story. I wanted to let you know you are not alone in the yo-yo dieting world, you are not alone keeping clothes with tags in your closet. I'm here with you, holding your hand for whenever you decide to lose weight. Whenever you chose being healthy. Whenever you want to wear your 'trophy'. I can't say it will be easy, but I can say we can do this together. We can cheer each other on. 

I am ready, I am holding my stance for when they say: GO! I will give it my all, because I, I am worth it and I respect myself, I love myself and that... that is my motivation. Because next year this day I want to wear my 'trophy' red jeans! and if I don't make it, because I realize it's taken me 11 years to get where I am now... I will be a few pounds closer, a few inches closer. 

Hold my hand and I will hold yours as we do this together, as a team we are here to support each other and cheer each other on. Don't let my hand go, because I need you. I need you to hold onto mine. I need to know I am not alone in this and that all this sadness I have been feeling. All these emotions that have been bottled up inside {that have been shown these past couple of days} are coming out to reassure me that I want to be happy, I want to lose weight and I want to run free. 

Next Monday my new journey begins, I will be using the Cinch Inch Loss Plan and exercising. Before that I will share with you my weight, my measurements and a picture of what I look like on my 34th birthday. 

This is a sponsored post as part of the Shaklee Corporation’s Team #Cinchspiration Campaign. I have received free products, online support and incentives for participating. All opinions and photographs are my own. Results and experiences are unique for each person, so results may vary. People following the weight loss portion of Shaklee 180 can expect to lose 1-2 pounds a week.


  1. You can do it! I love the new "trophy dress". Red is such a powerful color.

    1. Thank you Pattie, it sure is a powerful color. It's loud {just like me} :)

  2. Love it, Maribel!! You can do it and you have this former cheerleader on your side. ;-) I want to fit in my Cheerleading Uniform... will it happen? Probably not, but wouldn't it be cool? LOL!

    1. Thank you Kelli, I am hearing your cheer! :) cheerleaders are fun and are good at motivating :)

  3. Great idea!! Love those Hot Pants too woohoo! you will succeed hot momma!

    1. Yes, they are pretty hot! they are now outside my closet where I can always see them! :D

  4. We can do this together! Miss HOT pants <3

    1. and we will! thank you for the support and love! :)

  5. I'm so excited for you... lol

    I'll definitely be reading your posts along the way =) I'm proud of you!

    1. Thank you Jamie, I'm very excited about it myself... and can't wait to start and start seeing the results. :)

  6. Motivating others will help to motivate yourself too! Who says we have to have a local partner to keep us going? You have a whole world (wide web) to keep you going to meet your goal! Good luck Maribel!

    1. Thank you Melissa, it's true the web is my support system and I am theirs... Thank you for the well wishes it means a lot to have so much support.

  7. I'll be thinking about you on Monday, and I can't wait to see pics of you in your "trophy pants" down the line. You can do it!

    1. I can't wait either, before it was just a dream... a thought... now it is going to be a reality! :)

  8. Love those pants! What a powerful color and symbol. I look forward to seeing you wearing those red pants too!

    1. I do too. I can't wait to pair them up with a nice top in regular size, no more Plus sizing. :D

  9. It's really fantastic how honest you are!!! I totally understand about the weight loss struggle; but more important is how full of hope you are, and I trust 100% you can accomplish anything... from wearing the red pants or the dress... the sky is the limit!!! :-) - Claudia

    1. Thank you Claudia, I am full of hope, I am placing my honesty and trust in this for the first time in years I am seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. :D

  10. I have a stack of "skinny" jeans in my closet. Hopefully, one day I'll be able to wear them again. I triumph you for taking control of your life and your weight. You are an inspiration Maribel.

    1. Thank you Desiree, I think we all have a stack of "skinny" jeans or "skinny" tops. I have always kept the clothes I like the most regardless if they fit or not. Can you say hoarder? haha but in my defense I had the hope and dream to wear them once again! I might just do so next summer! :D
