Saturday, August 4, 2012

BlogHer in Chicago 2013

This week and weekend was the busiest in the year for bloggers. Why? BlogHer the largest and most important blogger event of the year took place, this year New York City was chosen as the host City and even though I was not there listening to each of the conferences and enjoying meeting in real life all of my mentors and friends I was there in spirit.

And truly I felt as if I was there with them all, I enjoyed all the pictures on instagram and all the tweets, I followed #BlogHerAtHome tweets and today the host City for 2013 was announced!


The Windy City will host BlogHer'13 and I would very much like to be there, it was also announced that BlogHer At Home is hosting a giveaway for a pass to BlogHer'13 and by writing this post I am entering their sweepstakes! 

That would be exciting! me wining the pass would mean that I would be meeting my friends in real life, learning from my mentors and the bloggers I look up to. The Blogger community is so special to me, we all might have different points of view and opinions on everything but one thing is for sure we all support each other and that shows in these events. 

For more information on BlogHer 2013 and the Sweepstakes please click here and also remember to follow the hashtag #BlogHerAtHome on Twitter. 

Cheers to BlogHer organizers and sponsors, from what I've seen on twitter and Instagram and read you did a fantastic job! {as always!} 

Disclosure: I wrote this post as an entry for the BlogHer'13 sweepstakes. However all opinions are my own in hopes of the opportunity of wining. 


  1. I want to go to. My parents live outside of Chicago but I still just don't know if it will happen

    1. I have never been to Chicago, but it seems like a great place for BlogHer. Hopefully I do get to go too. :)
