Monday, December 10, 2012

Little Pim learning Mandarin Chinese {DVD review}

Disclosure: We received 2 copies of their Mandarin Chinese DVD to facilitate our review, however all opinions and images used on this post are entirely our own. 

As I've mentioned before we are a fully bilingual home, Stroller Adventures Dad and I were blessed to go to school in both the U.S. and Mexico which makes us also bi-literate in both Spanish and English. Before we had children I was a Logistics Manager and dealt with Importing and Exporting to and from Mexico. So practicing it was easy, when our daughter was born we talked to her in both Spanish and English as well as we did with our son. So to say our native language is English or Spanish is completely untrue. We consider ourselves to be native English/Spanish speakers.

Our daughter, just like me loves learning about other languages and has been asking us for a long time to learn Chinese. Unfortunately neither one of us knows the language, I did take German and French while in High School and University but don't consider myself fluent. So when I read about Little Pim I was interested in finding more information about them.

Little Pim is a great company that has DVDs that teach: Spanish, French, Chinese, English, Italian, German, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew and Russian.

"To consider a child conversational they only need to know 500 words" -Little Pim.

And that is exactly what Little Pim does through their DVDs they teach words and phrases through an adorable and sweet panda and filming daily activities. We chose the Mandarin Chinese Language DVD for obvious reasons.  As soon as we received the first DVD we immediately put it in our DVD player and enjoyed watching it. 

The DVD has settings for you to adjust such as English Subtitles, Chinese Subtitles and repeat play. Our toddler was hooked from day 1! It's been 2 weeks and to our surprise yesterday our toddler son came over to the dining table and took an apple and looked at us, saying:

"Momma, this is apple... píngguô" 

Can you say WOW!? 

Yes, those were his exact words! But not only is he the one learning from Little Pim, our daughter is also learning as well as Stroller Adventures Dad and I. We try to practice by repeating the words and pointing to the object. This DVD that I am talking about is based on home, food, playtime and children. 

It is officially our son's  favorite DVD to watch since that first day when we saw it. We are truly excited to see his progress over the next couple of months. 

We will continue to use Little Pim and update you on our progress and what we've learned. So stay tuned for it. For more information about Little Pim and all the languages they offer make sure you visit their website . Follow them on Twitter for special promotions and Like them on Facebook to stay up to date on events and information. 


  1. How fun! My daughter is obsesses with learning Spanish right now. I wonder if she'd go for Chinese? LOL

    1. Camille, that is what makes Little Pim great. They also have Spanish DVDs and from what I'm seeing in my family they are the best!

  2. That is so awesome! Anything that makes learning more fun for kids is great. Love that the dvd's are affordable too!

    1. Yes, they are very affordable! I loved that too. I once researched on schools teaching Chinese, these were language centers and they wanted an insane amount of money per month. This DVD also allows repetition, so the child enjoys watching it over and over.

  3. So fun! I think I need this for Spanish because I think my boys know more than I do at this point! ;) Thanks for sharing!

    1. I've been learning some Mandarin words, so I would definitely use it just to get by and have short conversations with my children :D

  4. My daughter is two (today!) so she doesn't even have 500 words in English, yet, LOL - But that said - we watch Ni Hao Kai Lan at home. If you tell her to say hello to someone, she will, and if you ask her if she can say it in Chinese, she will shout "Ni Hao!" So I am SOLD on early learning for foreign langauges - she's doing so well with the little bit she is getting from these programs! A dedicated educational DVD would be wonderful!!

    1. Happy birthday to your daughter, my son will be 3 this coming Sunday! :D He has been picking up words from the DVD and using them... I am always surprised at what he comes up with. By age 5 any language or education you give to a child is absorbed the most and they are so eager to learn that who could resist. :D

  5. Maribel - this is awesome! My 3 yr old daughter speaks English and Spanish because she grew up in Honduras until last weekend, when we moved back to the US. I have been looking for a way to help her retain (and continue learning) Spanish. There are not a lot of programs for little ones, this looks great!

    1. April, just so you know they have a special promo going on, I will share later today on my facebook page and twitter! So make sure you check it out! :D
