Friday, September 9, 2011

Lights out San Diego!

Yesterday we got a small reminder of how much we depend on electricity not to mention technology! -remember the days when telephones had cords?-. If you were among the 4 million residents of San Diego County, Southern Orange County, Arizona, Baja Mexico (Tijuana, Mexicali and Ensenada) you were left in the dark since 3:45 p.m.

We were getting ready to celebrate our daughter's 6th birthday, buying her a cake and ice cream and ready to order pizza! needless to say our plans were out the door even before we left our local grocery store and as we arrived home we kept wondering what was going on.

Unfortunately we learned the hard way that we were not prepared. Yes we did have flashlights, candles, matches, canned goods, water but we were missing two very important things on our list: patience and tolerance. Our kids kept asking when the lights be back on, as everybody we had no idea. I now realize that this generation is always "lights on" and sometimes we as parents feed into that because of the convenience it offers. Remember when we were kids we knew how to entertain ourselves without a DS, TV, Wii and cell phones. No iPads, iPods, or internet to keep us busy. 

Last night as we sang happy birthday to our daughter with candles in the dark we enjoyed each others company and we laughed and giggled with our kids. Got to talk for hours about how in the good ol' days we would tie string to a can on each end and communicate with our neighbor or we would draw and color for endless hours.

I agree times have changed, safety is a major concern in these days however if we all put our heads together and let our voices be heard we might be able to bring it back.

Where we live power was not restored until 3:45 a.m. but we made the best of it...

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