Monday, February 20, 2012

Chula Vista Nature Center

Today I decided to do something different and share my favorite images taken through my iPhone of one of our favorite places to visit: Chula Vista Nature Center.

Have you visited the Chula Vista Nature Center? For more information click here


  1. Now this place looks like heave for my 4 and 7 year olds!

    1. It is a fantastic place for kids and adults. To learn about local fauna is truly important. I was surprised also when I found out that their Washed Ashore exhibit is made entirely out of trash that was collected along our San Diego coastline!

  2. We have a really cool Biodome near us in Montreal that I'm dying to take the kids to. My daughter will be 2 in April and I think she's at an age where she will really love to see everything it has to offer.

    And as long as there's a monkey somewhere, my son is game, lol.

    Chris (ABH)
