Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Fun Art Project With Toddlers

This week I thought we'd do something different and have Adrianne from Happy Hour Projects share with us a very cute way to do art with kids. 

Adrianne and I have been bloggy friends for a while and both of us have toddlers, I love reading her blog she is very creative. 

My favorite tutorial from her is from the jewelry section and she teaches how to make a Glass Map Necklace, which I hope to make soon!

Here's Adrianne:

Hello, readers here at Stroller Adventures! I'm Adrianne, a mom-and-wife who blogs over at Happy Hour Projects. I love sharing projects of all kinds that you can finish in an hour or less, and I'm so glad that Maribel invited me to be here today to share a kid-friendly project with you! Today's art project is suitable for kids of every age, but especially your little ones! 

My daughter Raya made some nursery art (with some prep from me, but surprisingly minimal assistance). This technique allows your kids to have free reign with the paint, so depending on how messy your kiddos like to be - prepare yourself appropriately and use paints that work for their age. This might be a better outdoor project if you are in a warmer climate. :)

What you'll need:

 Paper - any size for your project is fine!
Adhesive craft vinyl and punches
Scissors or a cutting machine for making kid-friendly shapes
Age-appropriate paint


Sponges or stamps
Damp paper towel

I used my Silhouette Cameo to cut the elephant and Raya's name, but you do not need a special machine for this project. You can use scrapbook punches or even sketch or trace a design onto the paper side of your vinyl, and cut it out with scissors or a utility knife. (If you are tracing out letters, be sure to reverse them - they need to be backward since you're tracing onto the back side of your vinyl).  I cut my white vinyl and stuck it onto a piece of white paper. You don't have to use white - any color will work, I just liked the color combination.

Then, I just let Miss Raya do her thing. Now, a famous quirk of my daughter's is that she *hates* to get messy. She won't touch fingerpaints! So since I was giving her a brush and supervising - and I was confident she wouldn't try to eat the paint or anything - I let her use acrylic paints. Just keep in mind that might not be appropriate for all kids. You know your kids best!

She loved painting! In fact, once she finished her sheet, the only way she would give it up is if I gave her a new piece of paper. So maybe be prepared for some enthusaism. ;)

When her paper was done, I let it dry a little first. Not totally, just enough that it wasn't dripping wet anymore.

Then, I took a dampened paper towel, and gently wiped away the paint from the vinyl areas.

And now, I have a piece of nursery art that actually resembles something, but my kiddo still painted it all by herself. :)

Do your kids love art, too? 
 What kinds of projects do you like to do together?


  1. This is adorable! What a fun way for them to help decorate their room!

  2. Love the idea of having something the kids did be a decoration for their room (or the home!)

    Jenn -

    1. I do too, it also makes them feel part even more of the decorating process so definitely a great idea :D
