Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Veggie Alphabet Challenge {week 3}

It's been three weeks since we started the Veggie Alphabet Challenge and we are loving it! how are you liking it? Our family has been enjoying searching for new vegetables to try and we have let our creative juices flow. Last week the letter was "B" and so we decided to try Beets.

I know beets can be included in salads and some main dishes, however we boiled them and then peeled them and cut them into slices and served as a side to our meals. I also snacked on them when I felt a little hungry.


Bunch of fresh beets


1.- Cut off stems and wash thoroughly to remove all the dirt -keep in mind beets grow underground.

2.- Place the beets inside a large enough saucepan to fit them and pour water into saucepan. Boil at medium heat.

3.- When beets feel soft take them out of the water and using a table knife to peel and holding beet in place with a fork. Allow cooling off before enjoying.

You can either slice or chop the beet or even grate it. I prefer enjoying it straight out of the refrigerator so I put in plastic zip top bags in the refrigerator and then serve.

Remember to follow the #hashtag #alphabetveggiechallenge on Twitter and visit each week for the letter of the week. For our third week the letter is:

I am changing my eating habits to get healthy, lose weight and feel great. Read more about why I am doing this here,here and here.  This is a sponsored post as part of the  Shaklee Corporation’s Team #Cinchspiration CampaignI have received free products, online support and incentives for participating. All opinions are my own. 


  1. What a great idea!!! I love the idea of the veggie alphabet diet!! How cool - we will have to try that!! Troy is almost six months old now and is starting to get serious about eating real food - this will be fun!! Visiting you from SoCal Lady Bloggers!

    1. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment Rebecca :D It is fun to have this challenge, it inspires to try new things and eat vegetables which are some of the reasons why I came up with it. Vegetables are also a great way to add flavor to meals and when you incorporate them into your favorite recipes they make it extraordinarily delicious! :D

  2. Beets are also delicious raw! I get a variety of beets through our local CSA and I love just giving them a wash, slice thin like chips and use them for dips like hummus. And don't throw away those greens! They are delicious lightly sautéed with a little garlic.

    1. Thanks Patricia, never thought of sautéing the greens! although when I bought those last week they smelled like pine trees! it was amazing!!! :D

  3. What a great idea! You're much braver than I am for trying to cook beets. I'm way too lazy for that. hehe

    1. I admit at first I was a little fearful of the outcome, I honestly thought it would fail. But I am so glad I did it and now I am addicted to beets! haha...

  4. Oh how fun! Looking forward to following you through the alphabet - good luck with the Qs and the Zs :)

    1. Megan the hardest one to this moment was "D"! you'll see when my post is published in a few minutes! :) As for "Z" I think the only vegetable is Zucchini and for "Q" I will have to research :) I'm excited for our next letter! :D

    2. Dragonfruit, dragonberry?

    3. Here's the link Check and see if you guessed it! :D
