Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Change is the only constant...

It was 1992, we were all listening to our Science teacher. He was showing us how change is the only constant while mixing different chemicals and materials. We had a divided class that stated it applied to life and the rest opposing this by stating life wasn't science. Fast forward to today and I'd say he was right, change is the only constant in life. We are always changing, evolving and growing be it physically or mentally. What we liked yesterday or since we were kids is now what we dislike and what we disliked while growing up we now like. Take for example zucchini, it was the vegetable I didn't like right along with broccoli and asparagus and now they're some of my favorite so much so that I try to incorporate them in most meals - have you ever had scrambled eggs with zucchini? delicious!

A month ago we were packing up our home in Costa Rica, preparing to leave friends that had become family to reunite with family and start a new chapter in our life back in California. We were excited for the change, because it meant we would be a 6, 8 or at the most 10 hour drive from grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and so on. We were excited because it meant we would be home. "Home is where the heart is", it's so true. Our hearts were here with our family. 

Our last day in Costa Rica came with its own set of challenges, I got food poisoning and it wasn't fun at all. The worst I've ever experienced, it was so bad I had to have 3 different medications injected into my body in addition to another 3 pills. I was determined to not be left behind to recover and so Saturday morning I woke up got ready with as little energy as I had since I hadn't eaten anything for the past 12 hours, walked into the airport and had them wheel me to the nearest red cross station explained what was going on and 2 little magical pills later we were on route home. 

We arrived to cold {I believe it was 48ºF} and rainy weather to the Bay Area, our toes were purple within a few seconds of walking under the rain in flip flops. After 2 years of living in 80ºF weather with 95% humidity,  our bodies had become accustomed to the tropics; flip flops, shorts and a tank top were all we ever wore and what we had in our suitcases. Luckily, family was there to welcome us equipped with weather appropriate clothes. Within 12 hours my body finally started feeling better from the food poisoning. 24 hours later we had finally settled into our new temporary home and had began planing for the week ahead. A week that would be packed with school registrations, doctor visits, shopping for our new car and house hunting!

Moving back home seems like an easy task, I mean it is after all where you lived most if not all of your life before. At least that was what we thought, but somehow living abroad changed us and shopping for groceries was overwhelming.... So many choices! For one item there are at least 10 different options to chose from. You need to buy milk, ok well there's rice milk, almond milk, cashew milk, coconut milk, cow's milk, goat's milk, soy milk, low fat, nonfat, whole milk and the list goes on. We at our home drink cow's milk, 1% is what we usually buy however I couldn't help but notice all the different options. 

As the guy at the local starbucks responded when I was ordering a kids' milk: "what kind of milk? almond milk, soy milk, low fat, nonfat, whole, organic? which one?" He paused as I looked like a deer in the head lights, he then said: "not enough options miss?" I smiled and just said "too many! I just want regular milk..." Now he smiled back and said in amazement: "really!? we usually get complaints that we don't have enough options! just earlier a customer over reacted because I didn't have cashew milk!" 

We take such little things for granted, I remember when there were never enough options and now I think there are way to many. These are the comforts our beautiful country offers us, you don't like something? well guess what, you don't have to settle you can always get something else. 

Change is the only constant and as such we are going through change, re-adjusting to life back home and while going into this re-adjustment period Stroller Adventures will go through changes too. This blog will reflect the changes we are going through. I will still share about Costa Rica, because I do have so much more to share about it and the beauty it has but I will also be sharing local events, occasionally I will have reviews {as always only choosing what our family likes and finds useful}, of course I will continue to talk food because I enjoy cooking and a good meal just like the next person and I have not quit my fitness/weightloss journey I did however take a break while preparing for our move and I'm ready to jump back on board. 

And there are also the small changes we will be making to make this space reflect more of me. Did you check out the new header? It was designed by my good friend Kelley from The Grant Life, she is awesome!


  1. So glad you're back in CA; looking forward to getting together again too! Love the new look!

  2. I miss the Bay SO SO SO SO SO much!!!!!! LA is so close, but so different.
    I'm looking forward to reading more about the transition. and by the way, go to Peet's :)

    1. You mean Peet's Coffee? I have yet to visit, what did you like from them? I need recommendations. I agree the Bay is sooooooooo different to LA and even more to San Diego not to mention Costa Rica, but it all of them are so much fun! :D

  3. Love the new header design! It will take time to adapt to being back home. Good luck with the transition!

  4. Welcome back Maribel! Glad that you got over your bug - that is scary! New chapters in life are fun and I also love your new blog design.

    1. Thank you! Yes I am too, it was bad... I agree new chapters in life are fun. Thank you, I felt it was time to have a new design. :D
